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How Does Tether USDt (USDT) Fare on Long-Term Trading Metrics on Saturday?

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Tether USDt (USDT): How Does it Rank Saturday on Long-Term Trading Metrics?

InvestorsObserver gives Tether USDt a strong long-term technical score of 74 from its research. The proprietary scoring system take into account the historical trading patterns from recent months to a year of the token's support and resistance levels, in addition to where it is relative to long-term averages. The analysis helps to determine whether it's a strong buy-and-hold investment opportunity currently for traders. USDT at this time has a superior long-term technical analysis score than 74% of crytpos in circulation. The Long-Term Rank will be most relevant to buy-and-hold type investors who are looking for strong steady growth when allocating their assets. Combining a high long and short-term technical score will also help portfolio managers discover tokens that have bottomed out.

Long-Term Technical - 74

InvestorsObserver is giving Tether USDt a 74 Long-Term Technical Rank. Find out what this means to you and get the rest of the rankings on Tether USDt!

Trading Analysis

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Tether USDt's price is $0.0000000 (0.03%) above its 100-day moving average price of $1.000000000 as its price at the moment sits at $1.000000000. Additionally, USDT is $0.0200000 (-1018.80%) higher than its 52-week low price of $0.980000000 while -$0.03000000 (-874.08%) under its 52-week high of $1.030000000. The current trading price in relation to its long-term average along with its 52-week high and low, gives USDT a strong long-term technical score of 74. Long-term trading movement of Tether USDt suggest that investors are neutral on the token at the moment. Tether USDt has a market capitalization of $84,172,022,313.41 and a relatively high average daily volume with $233,139,746,021.01 worth of the currency traded over the typical 24 hour period. Over the last 24 hours, USDT's volume is below its seven day average with 32,671,632,479.79 exchanged. This token's subclass Stablecoins: Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies whose value is designed to track the performance of fiat money (such as the U.S. Dollar or Euro).


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Trading patterns over the last year for Tether USDt leads to the token's a strong long-term technical score of 74 as its consistency, volatility, and relation to long-term averages has given investors reason to be neutral on the token. Click Here to get the full Report on Tether USDt (USDT).

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