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Rumors surrounding the SPOT Bitcoin ETF give the cryptocurrency market hope; analysts predict a 100x increase in price for pikamoon

PikamoonThe crypto space was in frenzy mode when rumours of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approving Ishares Bitcoin (BTC) spot ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) hit the crypto market in a post now deleted by Cointelegraph.

How did the market react to this news? The bears were in disbelief while the bulls were rejoicing as the Bitcoin (BTC) price went from $27k to over $30k within minutes. That’s one hell of a run, isn’t it?

Another token that reacted to the news is PIKA, the native token for Pikamoon. Project analysts are tipping for 100x returns in 2023. The PIKA presale witnessed an influx of buyers who were aiming to position themselves for the huge gain that awaits when the project finally launches.

What is a Bitcoin spot ETF? Why is it important for crypto? And why are top crypto analysts backing Pikamoon (PIKA) for a 100x return in 2023? These and many more will be answered as you read on.

Crypto Capital Venture

What is a Bitcoin ETF?

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CNBC Television

To understand properly. Let’s break the term into “Bitcoin” and “ETF.” We all know what Bitcoin is, but what are ETFs?

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are investment vehicles designed to track specific assets or commodities. ETF in the context of cryptos (Bitcoin and others) is like a vending machine, but for cryptos.

Imagine you walk into a store, and instead of buying a whole Bitcoin (which is like purchasing a large box of chocolates), you put your money into the vending machine and get a specific amount of Bitcoin instantly. This vending machine is the ETF. It allows you to buy a piece of bitcoin without dealing with the complexities of managing the actual crypto.

Bitcoin spot ETF means Bitcoin trading on traditional exchanges in the form of shares, away from crypto exchanges. This will enable investors across all industries to participate in trading without going into the hassles of setting up a wallet and learning about crypto.

We can all see what the Bitcoin ETF would bring, right? Yes, exposure, adoption, and more liquidity, which means prices are soaring for not just Bitcoin but all crypto assets.

A lot of Bitcoin spot ETF applications have been sent to the SEC for approval, most of which are still under consideration while others have been rejected.

While we are still waiting on updates on these applications, a crypto project has been causing quite a stir in the market with its presale and future projections, which has been putting a smile on its investors’ faces.

Let’s get into details about this project.

Introducing Pikamoon (PIKA)

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Crypto Capital Venture

At the forefront of the next generation of blockchain gaming is Pikamoon, a project made for gamers and investors.

Pikamoon was introduced this year with the aim of taking gaming to the next level away from underperforming graphics and boring gameplay with its photorealistic graphics and nice game story to keep gamers glued to their screens while also rewarding them greatly for their time.

PIKA, the native token of Pikamoon, will be the incentive for rewarding users and also for purchasing in-game assets on the Pikamoon marketplace. The beauty of PIKA lies in its ability to reduce supply over time due to a deflationary mechanism imposed on it.

This mechanism ensures 0.5% of PIKA is burned forever in order to stabilise the PIKA price when it is sold or transferred. This is what made PIKA appealing to investors.

Since its introduction, Pikamoon has gained recognition from prominent figures in the crypto industry. Its potential has caught the attention of established players, who are forecasting up to 100x in returns by the end of 2023.

This recognition cements Pikamoon’s status as a top cryptocurrency to watch and invest in this year.

How do I invest? The Pikamoon (PIKA) presale is in full motion, and details are provided below.

PIKA Presale

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Thinking Crypto

Now in its final stage of presale, time is running out to secure your fair share of PIKA.

Currently priced at just $0.0006, this would be the lowest price you can get PIKA before it launches on crypto exchanges, because when it does, PIKA is heading towards a 100x return.

This is an opportunity you don’t want to fade and regret later.

Start your journey to financial freedom by investing in PIKA today.

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Jamie Tree

Find out more about Pikamoon (PIKA):

VIDEO: $500 MILLION BITCOIN! (Here is the Math)
Luke Broyles

Buy Now: https://pikamoon.io/buy

Website: https://pikamoon.io

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pikamooncoin

Telegram: https://t.me/pikamoonofficial

Disclaimer: Any financial and crypto market information given on Analytics Insight are sponsored articles, written for informational purpose only and is not an investment advice. The readers are further advised that Crypto products and NFTs are unregulated and can be highly risky. There may be no regulatory recourse for any loss from such transactions. Conduct your own research by contacting financial experts before making any investment decisions. The decision to read hereinafter is purely a matter of choice and shall be construed as an express undertaking/guarantee in favour of Analytics Insight of being absolved from any/ all potential legal action, or enforceable claims. We do not represent nor own any cryptocurrency, any complaints, abuse or concerns with regards to the information provided shall be immediately informed here.


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Author: Dennis Wagner

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Name: Dennis Wagner

Birthday: 1969-01-13

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Hobby: Gardening, DIY Electronics, Billiards, Yoga, Chess, Coffee Roasting, Crochet

Introduction: My name is Dennis Wagner, I am a unwavering, variegated, forthright, priceless, vivid, honest, receptive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.